Basin Board: Manasota Basin Board
Term: First appointed March 26, 2001. Currently in her third term, which expires March 1, 2010
Occupation: Land Planner
Current residence: Manatee County
Hometown: Saginaw, Michigan
Reason you applied to be a Basin Board member: Opportunity to get involved in one of the most important planning issues facing Florida — ensuring that there are adequate water supplies to serve the expected population, while maintaining the high quality of life that our unique environmental resources provide.
Most important water resources issue: Making the best use of the water resources that we have. Because water is a finite commodity, we need to increase ways to conserve and reuse water, and get the public to understand that it is up to each one of us to do our part. Education is key.
Favorite water resource in the District: Hard to pick one. I love to kayak down the many rivers, in estuaries and even springs. I have yet to experience them all!
Favorite restaurant in the District: I am still looking and like trying new ones.
Other boards, organizations or clubs you belong to: I serve on the Board of the Manatee Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Board of Manatee County and the Board of the Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida. Member of the Bradenton Kiwanis Club and various professional organizations.
Hobbies or sports: I like to kayak, snow ski, bike — anything outdoors!
Motto to live by: You’ve got to have a dream. If you don’t have a dream, how do you have a dream come true?
Favorite movie or television show: “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a favorite movie.
Describe yourself in one word: Persistent
What did you want to be when you grew up: An English teacher
Your most influential role model: My dad
Your favorite sports team or individual player: Michigan Wolverines — Go Blue!
Trait you find most overrated: Speaking
Trait you find most underrated: Listening
Five most important things: Family, friends, health, faith, integrity
There’s too much of what in the world: Feeling of entitlement. Success takes hard work!
There’s too little of what in the world: Compassion
Favorite childhood memory: Being at my grandfather’s cabin on the Au Sable River in the northern woods of Michigan in winter — the beauty, the silence and the great times skiing with my family and friends.
Favorite food: Anything with dark chocolate