They are the natural wonders that flow through Florida. They are home to mullet, manatees and even mermaids. They are Florida’s springs and they need our help.
Florida has the largest concentration of springs in the world. There are more than 200 springs within the District. During the past century, these natural treasures have become threatened by human activities, climate change and other factors.
The District is a leader in the effort to help protect our springs. Each springs system is unique and complex, and the District uses a variety of techniques to help protect them.
The District works with other local, regional and state agencies to develop management plans tailored for each spring system. These plans include regulation, monitoring, research, restoration and education. Together, these groups form the Springs Coast Steering, Management and Technical committees to identify issues, solutions, costs and responsibilities associated with managing the first-magnitude springs in the Springs Coast.
You can get more information on District projects to improve the region's five major spring systems by clicking on the photos below.
Explore our springs website to learn more about the science behind springs, the threats they face and the ways you can help protect them.