Geohydrologic Data

Geohydrologic Data

Geohydrologic data includes aquifer test data, geohydrologic profile data (water level, slug test, and water quality), stratigraphic data, lithologic logs, geophysical logs, and geohydrologic well site reports and summaries.


The Environmental Data Portal (EDP) is the District’s official database of groundwater and surface water levels, flows, water quality, and atmospheric data such as rainfall, wind direction, and temperature. The EDP also provides specific information about data collection sites such as location and well construction details. 

EDP Search »


geohydrology report covers


The District issues reports after monitor well construction and aquifer testing. The reports are accessible from 1974 to present. New reports are added as they become available.

Recent Reports

Geohydrologic Data Interactive Map »
View an interactive map of all Geohydrologic Data well sites, links to associated well site reports, lithologic core descriptions, geophysical logs, lithostratigraphic units, hydrostratigraphic units, and aquifer test characteristics for select well sites.


Stratigraphic Correlation Charts »

The naming convention used for the hydrogeologic units in the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) are consistent with aquifer nomenclature guidelines proposed by Laney and Davidson (1986) and the North American Strati­graphic Code (2005).  These correlation charts provide a comparison of the current nomenclature used at the District and in previously published reports.  The correlation charts can be used to understand the progression of hydrostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic units from previously published District reports and the District’s current understanding of units. 

Work Plan and Performance Metrics: