District Honored For Medard Reservoir Rehabilitation Project
The District’s Operations Department has some new “hardware” to show off. The District recently received the American Public Works Association (APWA) Contractor of the Year Award for its excellent work on the Medard Reservoir Rehabilitation Project.
The District was one of three private and public organizations that received the award in the state of Florida.
“The Operations Department is very pleased to have been recognized by the American Public Works Association,” said Gary Kuhl, Operations Department Director.
“I am personally proud of our District employees who not only worked very hard, but also worked very ‘smart’ on this project. Our District staff combined their in-house experience and workmanship with outsourced professionals to complete an important public health, safety and welfare project.”
District staff received the award for managing the Medard Reservoir Rehabilitation Project, which involves upgrading the Medard Dam and planning for the unlikely occurrence of an emergency overflow or dam failure.
District staff involved with the project include Dale Ravencraft, Jim Ganun, Billy Butts, Mike Ames and Justin Rousch. Jeff Hagberg, Tim Bailey and Randy Hinkle also provided logistical assistance.
“This was really a joint effort with Hillsborough County, Kisinger Campo Associates, BCI Engineers and Scientists, Inc., CONTECH Construction Products, Inc., Bud Keene Crane Rental and Westaff all working together to complete several phases of the multi-year rehabilitation project,” said Dale Ravencraft, project manager.
The multi-year project, approved by the District’s Alafia River Basin Board, includes armoring the dam’s emergency spillway, mapping downstream areas and developing an emergency action plan for use in notifying Hillsborough County, District and state officials to initiate emergency procedures for affected citizens. The goal is to upgrade the reservoir over the next five to seven years so that its safe operating life can be extended for many years to come.
Funding for the project has come from Hillsborough County and the District’s Alafia River Basin Board. Hillsborough County has committed $500,000 for off-site improvements on Turkey Creek Road. The Alafia River Basin Board has approved nearly $560,000 in existing funds for the short-term projects. Long-term projects are under review by the Alafia River Basin Board to determine potential funding sources and construction details.
The 700-acre Medard Reservoir is a popular fishing location in Hillsborough County. Medard Park, which is adjacent to the reservoir, consists of 1,250 acres of District-owned land. The park is managed by Hillsborough County.