Gov. Rick Scott (right) with new Governing Board appointee George Mann.
Gov. Rick Scott recently appointed George Mann to the District’s Governing Board.
Mann, of Polk City, is a retired business development manager at Treatt USA, which processes citrus products. Mann was appointed to succeed Neil Combee, and his term ends March 1, 2013.
Mann is currently serving as a board member of Anchor House Ministry. Previously, he served on the Florida Citrus Processors Association Committee and the editorial advisory board of Citrus & Vegetable Magazine.
Mann received a bachelor’s degree in citrus business from Florida Southern College in Lakeland.
Governing Board members are unpaid, citizen volunteers who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Florida Senate. The Governing Board sets policy for the District, whose mission is to manage the water and related resources of west-central Florida to meet the needs of current and future water users while protecting the environment.