Governing Board Chair H. Paul Senft, Jr. addresses dignitaries at the dedication of the Integrated Loop System Phase 3A Interconnect Project at the T. Mabry Carlton, Jr. Water Treatment Plant in Venice.
Four counties in the District’s southern region have moved closer to a regional water system with the completion of a series of transmission pipelines.
The Integrated Loop System Phase 3A Interconnect Project includes nine miles of new drinking water pipeline and improved water pumping and storage facilities that will help create a regional interconnected water system throughout Charlotte, DeSoto, Manatee and Sarasota counties.
The District funded $13.7 million of the project’s $33 million cost, with funding from the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority and the state covering the rest.
Phase 3A is part of the Regional Integrated Loop System Program, a series of transmission pipelines that will be developed to regionally transfer and deliver water from existing and future alternative supplies to demand centers within the Peace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority’s four-county region. The Phase 3A pipeline runs from Sarasota County’s T. Mabry Carlton, Jr. Water Treatment Facility westward across the Myakka River, then northward along Cow Pen Slough where it connects to a county meter station. The completed Regional Integrated Loop System will extend northward into Manatee County once all phases have been completed.