Photo left: Kim DeVary (front, right), District land use specialist, took volunteers and their children on a hayride. Photo center: David Moore, District executive director; Ronald Oakley, Governing Board vice chair; Todd Pressman, Governing Board chair; Sallie Parks, Governing Board treasurer; and Eric Sutton, District land resources director, display signs that will be posted at two areas that are maintained by volunteer groups. Photo right: Volunteers enjoyed a picnic lunch after the awards ceremony.
The District recently recognized several individuals and groups who play an important role in the effort to improve recreation on District lands, restore valuable ecosystems and communicate the values inherent with conserving our natural resources. Volunteers help maintain the District’s many recreational trails and campgrounds as well as assist with the Surface Water Improvement and Management Program’s Tampa Bay restoration projects.
This year’s volunteer appreciation picnic was held in March at the District’s Green Swamp West Meeting Facility in Dade City.