Small general permits and general water use permit holders can now take care of all their permitting needs on the District’s Water Management Information System.
The system is being designed to centralize information from the District’s well construction permitting, resource data, water use permitting and environmental resource permitting databases, making it easily accessible for both staff and the public. Upon completion, the system will increase the amount of information online, facilitate online permitting and processing, and streamline workflow.
Several online applications have already been launched including the ability to submit well construction applications and completion reports. Well contractor licenses and agricultural water users have also been able to submit for renewal.
The next application launch is expected to take place in late October when small general and general water use permit holders will be able to apply for a new permit, renew or modify an existing permit, request transfer of ownership, and reply to electronic requests for additional information or clarification letters online. However, small general permit holders with a mining use or general permit holders with a mining or predominant public supply use cannot submit anything online at this time.
Another feature of the system that will be available in the late October release, is the ability for the public to request on-line noticing for water use applications received by the District or agency actions.
A small general water use permit is for permits with quantities that are less than 100,000 gallons per day (gpd) and a general water use permit is for permits with quantities between 100,000 and 499,000 gpd.
To access these permit applications on the District’s Water Management Information System, visit the District’s web site at
For more information please contact Sommer Hess, records and data systems manager, at 1-800-423-1476, ext. 4194, or Deanna Naugler, senior regulation systems analyst, at 1-800-423-1476, ext. 4312.