Social Research White Papers

White Papers

White papers are authoritative reports or guides that help identify or solve a problem. White papers educate readers and help people make decisions. The District uses white paper research to synthesize research regarding barriers and benefits associated with target behaviors that influence water conservation and water quality. These white papers include programs that have been implemented promoting these behaviors along with strategy suggestions.


Reaching Hispanic Populations for Outdoor Recreation

2011 Year of Study

Provides different ways the District can reach the Hispanic population. This white paper explores barriers and ways to have successful outreach to this sector of the population.


Installing Low-Flow Showerheads

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with installing a low-flow showerhead. The paper summarizes showerhead replacement programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage the use of low-volume fixtures.


Maintaining Septic Systems

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with proper septic tank maintenance. The paper summarizes septic tank education programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage timely inspection and maintenance of septic tanks.


Disconnecting or Redirecting Rain Downspouts

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers associated with disconnecting or redirecting rain gutter downspouts. It also summarizes downspout programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage downspout reroute.


Installing Rain Sensors 

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with installing a rain sensor to regulate residential irrigation systems. The paper summarizes rain sensor installation programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage rain sensor use.


Raising Lawn Mower Height

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with setting lawn mower blade height to cut the grass at the highest possible setting. The paper summarizes lawn mower blade height programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage raising the lawn mower blade.


Reducing Fertilizer Use and Increasing the Use of Slow-Release Fertilizer

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with using slow-release fertilizer and/or reducing fertilizer use. The paper summarizes fertilizer-use programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage proper fertilizer use.


Reducing Pet Waste

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with proper disposal of pet waste. The paper summarizes pet waste programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage proper pet waste management.


Reducing Residential Pesticide Use

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with residents reducing their use of pesticides. The paper summarizes pesticide reduction programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage the reduced use of pesticides on residential landscapes.


Disposing of Used Motor Oil 

2007 Year of Study

Outlines barriers and benefits associated with the proper disposal of used motor oil. The paper summarizes motor oil disposal programs and proposes a community-based social marketing strategy to encourage this behavior.