Springs Coast Steering, Management and Technical Committees

There are more than 200 documented springs throughout the District. However, most individual springs cluster around 16 groups of springs, five of which are classified as first-magnitude groups based on the amount of water they discharge.

Meeting being held

While recognizing the need to manage all springs, the District places a priority on the five first-magnitude spring groups: Rainbow, Crystal River/Kings Bay, Homosassa, Chassahowitzka, and Weeki Wachee. These spring groups, located in or discharging to an area known as the Springs Coast, collectively discharge more than one billion gallons per day. 

Each spring system in the Springs Coast region is a unique, complex system with different sets of challenges, so each one will require different management techniques. To address these issues, the District invited local, regional and state agencies to form the Springs Coast Steering Committee (SCSC). The first goal of the SCSC is to develop management plans tailored for each spring system to identify issues, solutions, costs and responsibilities.

To assist in the effort, the SCSC has created the Springs Coast Management Committee (SCMC) to review technical data and make recommendations to the SCSC. The SCMC is composed of representatives from the founding organizations of the SCSC, along with other involved stakeholder groups. (See list below.)

Public Meetings Information »

Springs Coast Steering Committee Members

City of Crystal RiverRobert HolmesCity Council Member
Citrus CountyDiana FineganCounty Commissioner
Hernando CountyRyan AmslerCounty Commissioner
Marion CountyKathy BryantCounty Commissioner
Pasco CountySeth WeightmanCounty Commissioner
FDEPKen WeaverDeputy Director, Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration
FFWCCGregory WorkmanNortheast Regional Director
FDACSWest GregoryDirector, Office of Agricultural Water Policy
SWFWMDKelly RiceGoverning Board Member, Chair


Springs Coast Management Committee Members

City of Crystal RiverAudra Curts 
Citrus CountyKen Cheek
Hernando CountyAlys Brockway
Marion CountyJody Kirkman
Pasco CountyJason Mickel
FDEPMoira Homann 
FFWCCMichelle Sempsrott
FDACSVanessa Bauzo
SWFWMDJennette Seachrist, Chair
FGUAWilliam Fontaine
AgricultureCurt Williams
Public SupplySuzy Folsom
EnvironmentalCharles Lee
Regional Planning CouncilAlana Todd
IndustryIlia Balcom
AcademiaDr. Patricia Spellman
State ParksRick Owen

Technical Work Group Participants (Invited)

Christopher FarrellAudubon Florida
Deb BurdenCitrus County
Christina MalmbergCitrus County
Enrique LatimerDuke Energy
Lauren CampbellFDEP
Eric NagidFFWCC
Maria MerrillFFWCC
Sam CainFGUA
Chris BeckerFlorida Park Service
John BurnettHernando County
Patrick TaraINTERA
Alan GarriKimley and Horn
Jocelyn Nageon de LestangMarion County
Kevin VickersMarion County
Kelsey CurrentPasco County
Del BottcherSoil and Water Engineering Technology, Inc
Vivianna BendixsonSWFWMD
Robin Speidel SWFWMD
Madison TrowbridgeSWFWMD
Matt CohenUniversity of Florida
John KieferWood

All questions regarding this list should be directed to SpringsTeam@WaterMatters.org.