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Poster: Percolation
1 of 10 in a series of posters. Set of 10 posters include: Aquifer, Condensation, Evaporation, Percolation, Polluted Runoff, Precipitation, Solar Energy, Transpiration, Watershed and Wetland.
WaterDrops: Wetlands
Grades 3-5. Issues contain fiction, nonfiction, a question-and-answer column, fun activities and suggestions for browsing the Web. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. Teacher's guides available for all issues and include WaterDrops Challenge, which contains items similar to those students could expect to find on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.
Saving Water Indoors
Tips on how to save water indoors
Coloring/Activity Sheet: Water Is Life
Stormwater Systems in Your Neighborhood
If properly maintained, stormwater ponds help prevent flooding and filter out pollutants before they reach streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands, ground water, estuaries and, ultimately, the gulf.
How to Read Your Water Meter
Provides information on when and how to submit your water well meter readings.
WaterDrops Activity Packet for Teachers
Grades 3-5. Issues contain fiction, nonfiction, a question-and-answer column, fun activities and suggestions for browsing the Web. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. Teacher's guides available for all issues and include WaterDrops Challenge, which contains items similar to those students could expect to find on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.
Poster: Polluted Runoff
1 of 10 in a series of posters. Set of 10 posters include: Aquifer, Condensation, Evaporation, Percolation, Polluted Runoff, Precipitation, Solar Energy, Transpiration, Watershed and Wetland.
WaterDrops: Wetlands, Teacher's Guide
Grades 3-5. Issues contain fiction, nonfiction, a question-and-answer column, fun activities and suggestions for browsing the Web. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. Teacher's guides available for all issues and include WaterDrops Challenge, which contains items similar to those students could expect to find on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.
Saving Water Outdoors
Tips on how to save water outdoors.
Coloring/Activity sheet: Who Lives in a Wetland?
Surface Water Improvement and Management Program (SWIM)
How Water Is Managed for You
Explains the various state and local agencies involved in water resources protection and management.
WaterDrops: Groundwater
Grades 3-5. Issues contain fiction, nonfiction, a question-and-answer column, fun activities and suggestions for browsing the Web. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. Teacher's guides available for all issues and include WaterDrops Challenge, which contains items similar to those students could expect to find on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test.
Poster: Precipitation
1 of 10 in a series of posters. Set of 10 posters include: Aquifer, Condensation, Evaporation, Percolation, Polluted Runoff, Precipitation, Solar Energy, Transpiration, Watershed and Wetland.
WaterWeb: Extreme Weather and Mapping
Grades 6-12. Issues contain a classroom activity and articles on a variety of water resources issues. Subject areas include economics, science, math and reading. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards. Teacher's guides available for all issues.
Solving Florida's Water Puzzle
Grades 4-7. Focuses on water conservation, our current water conditions and alternative sources. Correlated to Florida's Sunshine State Standards.
Currents: Extreme Weather & Mapping
High School newsletter
Water Cycle Wristband - (kit of 25)
Micro-Irrigation, A Guide to the Basics
Learn about the basics of micro-irrigation to improve your landscape while saving water.