Jack Creek

Jack Creek

Cooperatively Managed

The unique habitat found on this property includes bay swamp, cutthroat grass seeps, sand pine scrub, hardwood hammock and pine flatwoods. These habitats are rich in natural beauty. The bay swamp habitat dominates the property with abundant red bay, sweet bay and red maple trees. The Jack Creek tract is significant because it protects a large stand of Lake Wales Ridge scrub. This rare community provides habitat for one of the densest concentrations of endangered communities in the world. Cutthroat grass seep communities are also endangered and are restricted almost exclusively to Polk and Highlands counties.

Two key features of the property are Josephine and Jack creeks. Josephine Creek runs along the northern boundary of the property and intersects with Jack Creek, which runs along the eastern boundary. Josephine and Jack creeks and their surrounding swamps serve as the outlet for surface runoff from the Lake Placid West Chain-of-Lakes watershed. Overflow discharge from this watershed travels into Jack Creek, then into Josephine, and ultimately into Lake Istokpoga.

Public ownership of the property helps to preserve the floodwater conveyance characteristics of Jack and Josephine creeks and associated swamplands. The adjoining upland scrub areas will remain free from development and continue to retain natural water recharge characteristics.

4501 Grand Concourse, Sebring, FL, 33875

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