The Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) invites the public to a virtual workshop Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 5:30 p.m.The purpose of the virtual workshop is to allow for public comment on recommended minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek. Horse Creek and Charlie Creek are located in portions of DeSoto, Hardee and Polk counties and are two tributaries of the Peace River.
Members of the public may join the meeting via Microsoft Teams through this link Google Chrome browser is recommended for best compatibility with Microsoft Teams. For telephone-only participation, dial 1-786-749-6127 and when prompted enter the conference ID: 534 782 5#.
Minimum flows are limits established by the District’s Governing Board, and required by state law, to protect flowing water bodies from significant harm caused by ground and surface water withdrawals. The District’s scientists use numerous tools to collect, develop and analyze data before recommending a minimum flow. Their work is then evaluated by an independent peer review panel.
During the workshop, District staff will review the technical basis for the recommended minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek. Recommended minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek were summarized in draft reports and are available for review at
All public comments are summarized and shared with the District’s Governing Board for its consideration when reviewing the recommended minimum flows. A virtual public comment card will be open now through Nov. 3 for the public to submit comments to the District via the Horse Creek and Charlie Creek webpage.
District staff anticipates presenting the recommended minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek at the December Governing Board meeting, where the Governing Board may choose to initiate rulemaking for adoption of the minimum flows into District rules. Governing Board meetings are open to the public, and brief oral comments are permitted on meeting agenda items.
For more information regarding the recommended minimum flows, please contact Kristina Deak, Senior Environmental Scientist with the District’s Environmental Flows and Levels Section at (813) 328-3544. Written comments regarding the minimum flows are also welcome and can be submitted via mail or email no later than Nov. 3, to Kristina Deak, Senior Environmental Scientist at 7601 U.S. Highway 301 North, Tampa, FL 33637 or