This year, the District is scheduled to adopt minimum flows for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek, two tributaries to the Peace River.
Public Workshop
A virtual public workshop is scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Oct. 25, 2023, to present the draft minimum flows plan for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek and give the public an opportunity to provide comments or ask questions. The workshop is open to the public and participants may join online by using the link listed in the District's calendar.
Minimum flows are limits established by the District’s Governing Board for surface watercourses that are intended to prevent significant harm to the water resources or ecology of an area that may be caused by water withdrawals.
Independent Scientific Peer Review Process and Public Input
District staff has prepared draft minimum flow reports for Horse Creek and Charlie Creek. These reports and the scientific or technical data, methodologies, models and assumptions used to support the development of proposed minimum flows are voluntarily subjected to independent scientific peer review. All peer review panel meetings are listed on the District's calendar and include opportunities for public comment on the review process. Details about the peer review panel’s work is accessible through a web forum.
Public comments can be submitted during the peer review panel meetings, public workshop, or through the virtual comment card.
Tentative Schedule
- June 27 – October 9, 2023: Independent Scientific Peer Review Panel Review of Draft Report
- October 16 - November 3, 2023: Virtual Public Comment Card Open
- October 25, 2023: Public Workshop
- November 2023: Revised Draft Report Completed and Posted
- December 2023: Present Recommended Minimum Flows to Governing Board for Approval