Water Resource Development Work Program

The Five-Year Water Resource Development Work Program (Work Program) is part of the District’s annual budget reporting process.  The Work Program describes the District’s implementation strategy and five-year funding plan for the water resource and water supply development components of the approved Regional Water Supply Plans. The District provides a Proposed Work Program to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for review within 30 days of adoption of the District’s annual budget (typically in late September/early October). The final Work Program is published in the District’s Consolidated Annual Report by March 1st. The Work Program describes the water resource development data collection and analyses activities, water resource development projects, and water supply development assistance that the District is financially and technically undertaking to enhance the amount of water available for consumptive uses while protecting natural resources.

In accordance with Section 373.536(6)(b), Florida Statutes, the DEP will present the Proposed Work Program project data from each of the water management districts on their website for public review. To improve the consistency among the Water Management Districts’ Work Program submittals, the DEP has provided a template spreadsheet and format guidance for the FY2021 Work Program. The project spreadsheet includes descriptions, schedules, cooperator and state funding levels, and the water bodies and planning regions supported by the water resource and water supply projects listed in the Work Program.