Upper Hillsborough Preserve

Protecting the upper reaches of the Hillsborough River, the river's floodplain provides natural storage of floodwaters and acts as a filtration system for runoff. The property also serves as an important link in protecting wildlife habitat in the Hillsborough River greenway corridor. The property's roads and trails meander through pine flatwoods, consisting of both slash and longleaf pine overstory, palmetto/gallberry understory and hydric hammock and floodplain swamp along the river. (See individual property descriptions for Alston & Upper Hillsborough tracts.)

Park Details

9961 Acres
Hours of Operation
District lands shall be open to the public from 30 minutes prior to sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset only, unless otherwise authorized by the District per Chapter 40D-9 Florida Administrative Code.

Additional Information

Access and Parking
  • See following individual property descriptions for access information.
  • East of Zephyrhills
For more Information
  • Land Resources, Southwest Florida Water Management District, 1-800-423-1476 (FL only) or (352) 796-7211, ext. 4470