Hampton Tract Feral Hog Hunts

Sorry, the Phase 1 Registration period has expired.

Including Closed-Area Tracts at Green Swamp Wilderness Preserve


Hog hunt permit registration will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, online only. Each hunt has a limited number of available permits. A $75 nonrefundable fee must be paid for each permit (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover or Diners Club only). Cash or checks cannot be accepted. Permits will be mailed to registrants prior to the hunt. Permits are transferrable. Please read and obey all “Regulations” below.


A registration link is activated above when the webpage is refreshed after the registration time/date noted. If you do not see the REGISTER button, try again — your clock time may be slightly different than the website. If refreshing the webpage fails, you may need to clear your browser’s cache. If you have any questions or problems, please call (352) 448-6580. Registration ends when all permits are sold (or at midnight Thursday following the registration date—whichever comes first). Be advised, permits typically sell out quickly.

Hampton Tract Phase 1 Hunt 

November 12-14, 2024
Three-day daytime hog dog hunt (30 permits)

Registration Starts October 1 at 9:00 a.m.

Hampton Tract Phase 2 Hunt 

January 21-23, 2025
Three-day daytime hog dog hunt (30 permits)

Registration Starts December 3 at 9:00 a.m.

Hunt Information

Release and Waiver of Liability

Each person who has a permit to hunt the area, including minors and assistants, must complete a release and waiver of liability form. Forms must be completed for each participant and minor prior to entering the gate and will be collected during entry (form for minors must be signed by a parent or legal guardian).

Hunters Beware

Some of the hogs on the area have pseudorabies, leptospirosis or swine brucellosis. Brucellosis is a serious disease in humans. Inquire with the check-station operator for further information prior to the start of your hunt. 

Hunt Maps

Georeferenced Trail Map

Google map/driving directions » 

Hampton Tract hog hunt map

Hog Hunt Regulations


  1. Each hunter must have in their possession a valid District hunt permit before entering the area. There will be no exceptions.
  2. Permits will be validated daily. 
  3. Loan or transfer of a permit is allowed. No walk-in permits will be issued.


  1. During daytime hunts, area gates will be open from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset each day of the hunt period.   Any person who is in the area after closing may at the District’s discretion have their permit revoked and may be prohibited from participating in any future hunts.
  2. Hunters must check in at the check station prior to entering the property for the hunt. Once onsite, hunters will be restricted to the hunt area as illustrated on the attached map.
  3. Hunters will not be allowed to fish the area during the hunt.
  4. Vehicles will only be allowed on roads as designated on the hunt map during hunt days.  Vehicles may be operated on firelines and existing two-track roads for the sole purpose of retrieving harvested wild hogs with prior authorization from a District employee, check station staff or law enforcement officer. Vehicles found off main roads without permission or in prohibited areas will result in the hunter operating the vehicle being immediately dismissed from the hunt. Unless otherwise posted, speed limits shall be as set forth in Ch. 40D-9, F.A.C.
  5. Airboats, tracked vehicles, horses, motorcycles, ATVs, and UTVs are prohibited.
  6. Roads, gates, or fire lines may not be obstructed by any parked vehicle.
  7. Public access is prohibited in areas posted as “restricted” for protection of endangered species on environmentally sensitive lands.
  8. Wet-weather barriers may be installed on roads during inclement weather. Open and/or closed roads will be posted daily at the check station.
  9. Vehicular access to the area by non-hunting individuals will not be permitted.
  10. Hunters are allowed two vehicles per hunt party.
  11. Persons entering the area illegally may be charged with trespassing.

Check Station

  1. All persons participating in the wild hog management hunts must check in at the check station before entering the area and check out at the check station prior to leaving the area.
  2. All wild hogs must be checked at the check station before removal from the area. Wild hogs may be field dressed prior to checking; however, the head and evidence of sex must remain attached until the wild hog is checked.
  3. The transport of any live hog from District lands is prohibited.
  4. All vehicles are subject to search while in the area or at the check station.

Hunt Rules

  1. All hunters entering the area must have in their possession a valid Florida driver license or a form of photographic identification and a District permit (40D-9.170, F.A.C.).
  2. Upon request, hunters shall produce hunt permits and a form of identification to any District or law enforcement personnel while in the area.
  3. All participants are required to wear 500 square inches of hunter orange as an outer garment above the waist. 
  4. Individuals younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times while taking hogs. Two children between the ages of 6–16 may accompany the permitted hunter during the hunt. Children shall not be left unattended and are not classified as assistants. Participants are responsible for their own actions as well as the actions of any accompanying minor.
  5. Any person who is apprehended or detained by a law enforcement officer for any alleged violation of federal, state or area rule or regulation, including these regulations, will be escorted from the area and barred from participating in this and future hunts. Any individual asked to leave the area and fails to immediately comply with this request will be charged with trespassing.
  6. Each person who has a permit to hunt the area, including children and assistants, must complete a release and waiver of liability form. The release form for minors must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. Forms must be filled out for each participant and minor prior to entering the gate and will be collected during entry. 
  7. All state and federal laws and regulations relating to wildlife and/or freshwater aquatic life apply while in the area.
  8. Hunters may only take wild hogs; there is no size restriction or possession limit.
  9. The taking of any wildlife other than wild hogs is prohibited.
  10. Hunting, trapping or the possession of dogs in closed areas is prohibited.
  11. No person, except District employees, may place or distribute any grain or other food for wildlife.
  12. No wood products may be cut or transported from the area. The removal or cutting of live or dead trees, other plants or shrubs, or other native materials is prohibited.
  13. The use of traps, live decoys, snares, and nets is prohibited.
  14. Hunters shall respect all fencing, structures and infrastructures and keep all gates closed.
  15. Hunters shall respect all posted hunt safety zones and avoid shooting toward hunt boundaries.
  16. Individuals shall not leave garbage or refuse in the area.
  17. No person shall be under the influence of or in possession of alcohol or drugs while in the area. Only medications prescribed by a licensed doctor will be permitted.
  18. The District reserves the right to cancel the hunt at any time.
  19. Any person violating any hunt rule will be escorted from the area and may be denied future access. Those who have been ejected from District-run hog hunts on two separate occasions will be prohibited from participating in future District-run hunts for a period of two (2) years following second ejection. Participants who have ANY rule violations during the hunt year will not be eligible to participate in the District phase 3 hunts during that calendar year. This includes permit holders or helpers that have been escorted from the area by law enforcement for any District rules or state game violations. 
  20. No more than two assistants and two approved children will be permitted with each hunter during the hunts.
  21. All hides and entrails must be disposed of at the designated disposal site posted at the check station.
  22. THIS IS A HOG-DOG HUNT ONLY. No still hunting will be allowed during the hunt period.
  23. There will be no scout days.
  24. Live hogs may not be removed from District lands. Participants encountered leaving District hunts with live feral hogs will be removed from the District’s hog hunt participant list and will be banned from future feral hog population management events.
  25. The District requires all dispatched feral hogs removed during District hunts to be concealed as the participants or their assistants leave the property. Once removed from District lands, the District requests that deceased feral hogs continue to be concealed until arriving at their final destination. 


  1. Dogs of any size or breed may be used during the hog dog hunts. No more than three dogs per District quota permit may be utilized on the ground at a time to take wild hogs. All other dogs must be physically restrained.
  2. Measures should be taken to safeguard dogs from harm through their participation in hunts.  
  3. Hunters are to dispatch hogs in the most humane method possible.
  4. Individuals allowed entry are responsible for their own actions, the actions of any minors accompanying them, and the actions of their dogs.
  5. Hunters, while hunting, are required to have their dogs wear collars that identify their owner’s name, address, and telephone number. Pursuant to FWC Rule 68A-12.007(1), Florida Administrative Code, all hog hunting dogs will also be required to have collars with GPS tracking and behavior correction devices.


  1. The possession and use of all firearms must be in accordance with provisions of Chapter 379 and 790 of the Florida Statutes.
  2. Shooting hours for wild hogs are one-half hour before sunrise until one-half hour after sunset.
  3. The taking of wild hogs by gun or knife is only allowed on hogs that are bayed at the time of being dispatched. Firing at hogs that are not bayed is expressly prohibited.
  4. Firearms will be restricted to one center-fire handgun under the control and use of only the designated hunt permit holder. Only the permitted hunter can dispatch hogs with a center-fire handgun.


  1. Camping is prohibited
  2. Fires are prohibited