The Villages will host Withlacoochee River Basin Board

News Release

The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Withlacoochee River Basin Board will hold its December meeting at the Villages.

The meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 15 at 9 a.m. at the Coconut Cove Recreation Center, 1398 Stillwater Trail.

The basin board usually holds its meetings at the District’s Headquarters in Brooksville.

“Holding the meeting at a new location within the basin benefits the board members and the community,” said Lou Kavouras, District executive assistant. “The Board members will have a chance to interact with members of the community who may not be able to travel to Brooksville to attend board meetings.”

Some of the topics on the board’s agenda include an overview of the water control structures and emergency operations in the basin and a presentation on the floodplain map modernization, which is being coordinated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The Villages uses a variety of water conservation methods, including Florida-Friendly landscaping, reclaimed water and various stormwater management techniques. After the meeting, the board members will have the opportunity to tour the Villages and see these water conservation practices.

The basin board agenda is available on the District’s web site at Follow the “meetings and events” link to the calendar or call (800) 796-7211, ext. 4609 to request a copy.

Basin Board members are unpaid citizen volunteers appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. They serve three-year staggered terms. Each of the Basin Boards includes a minimum of one person from each county within the basin, and there must be at least three members on each board. Each Basin Board has at least one of the 11 members of the Districts Governing Board that serves as the Boards chair ex officio.