Teachers: Apply Now for In-school Mini-Grants

News Release

Applications are available for teachers interested in applying for the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s 2005-2006 Splash! Mini-Grant Program. These grants provide teachers with funding for classroom projects on water quality, water conservation, alternative sources, water supply, flood protection or watersheds. The goal of the mini-grant program is to promote hands-on water education that teaches students about their local watersheds and the water resources within them. Splash! mini-grants are available for public, private, charter and home school groups and provide up to $5,000 per group on a reimbursement basis only.

Past mini-grant projects include student monitoring of local water quality,
The development of water-conserving gardens on school property, and outreach campaigns designed to promote awareness of water-conserving practices.

Grant applications are due Aug. 15, 2005. Applications are available online at WaterMatters.org/mini-grants.

In addition to mini-grant funding, many free educational materials are available from the District. These publications are correlated to Florida’s Sunshine State Standards and can also be ordered on the District’s web site.