Florida Senate Confirms Appointments of Governing Board Members

News Release

The Florida Senate has confirmed the appointments of three Southwest Florida Water Management District (District) Governing Board members.

  • Jack Bispham represents Manatee County. Bispham was appointed to the Governing Board in Nov. 2019. He was reappointed in May 2021 and his term ends March 1, 2025.
  • John Hall represents Polk County. Hall was appointed to the Governing Board in May 2021 and his term ends March 1, 2025.
  • William Hogarth represents Pinellas County. Hogarth was appointed to the Governing Board in May 2021 and his term ends March 1, 2022.

Governing Board members are unpaid, citizen volunteers who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Florida Senate. The Governing Board sets policy for the District, whose mission is to protect water resources, minimize flood risks, and ensure the public's water needs are met.

Governing Board