District declares April Water Conservation Month

News Release

The Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Governing Board Tuesday joined Gov. Charlie Crist, the state Legislature, Tampa Bay Water and approximately 183 local governments and organizations in declaring April “Water Conservation Month.”

April is traditionally one of the driest months of the year and typically marks the start of the peak demand season for public water suppliers. Many residents begin increasing their lawn irrigation due to the dry conditions and rising temperatures. The combination of these factors makes April an appropriate time to highlight the need for water conservation.

This year the need to conserve is even greater because the state is experiencing a severe drought, due to more than two years of below-average rainfall.

“The recent rain has not made up for the long-term deficit,” said David Moore, District executive director. “Water levels are still low throughout the District, especially in the southern region. It’s still critical that everyone does their part to conserve water.”

Some simple tips residents are encouraged to follow include:

  • Run automatic dishwashers and washing machines only when fully loaded, which can save hundreds to gallons of water per month.
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and shaving, which can save up to 1,000 gallons of water per month.
  • Rinse fruit and vegetables in a bowl of water instead of under running water, which can save up to 250 gallons of water per month.
  • Only water grass on your watering day when you see signs of wilt, such as grass blades that are folded in half and blue-gray, and footprints that remain on the lawn.
  • Raise your lawn mower blade to the highest setting recommended for your type of turf. This encourages grass roots to grow deeper and grass blades to hold moisture longer than a closely clipped lawn.
  • Install soaker hoses or drip-irrigation systems for planting beds with shrubs and flowers.

While District staff advocates water conservation year-round, an extra effort will be made to promote conservation throughout April. The District’s water conserving restroom trailer will be at the Venice Shark’s Tooth Festival on April 11–13, the WRBQ Oldies 104.7 concert at Coachman Park in Clearwater on April 25, as well as the Green Thumb Festival in St. Petersburg on April 26–27.

The trailer, which features the “Reduce Your Use” campaign and Florida-friendly landscaping principles, has six private half baths with water conservation features, running water, air conditioning, lights, mirrors and a bathroom attendant who keeps the stalls clean and stocked.

In addition to the restroom trailer, District staff will be participating in a variety of environmental and outdoor events throughout April to get the word out about the importance of water conservation and water resources protection.

Since 1998, the state of Florida, its five water management districts, local governments and other water-related organizations have declared April as Water Conservation Month.

To learn more about water conservation and the drought, or to schedule a speaker, please visit the District’sdrought web page.