Disabled Anglers Invited to Participate in Fishing Derby

News Release

The Southwest Florida Water Management District and the Wheelin’ Sportsmen are inviting disabled anglers to participate in a fishing derby.

The derby takes place May 13 at the District’s Edward Medard Park and Reservoir, which is managed by the Hillsborough County Parks and Recreation Department. The Edward Medard Park and Reservoir is located in Hillsborough County on South Turkey Creek Road.

The event is open to men, women and young adults who are disabled.
Interested anglers should contact Mike Blanton, 352-212-9718 (cell) or 352-637-3747 to register in advance. Only registered participants will be allowed to fish. The fishing derby is free and there is no registration deadline but space is limited to 25 participants.

The derby, which is organized by the National Wild Turkey Federation/Wheelin’ Sportsmen, is one of seven planned events held on District-managed land each year. In addition to the fishing derby the group holds a variety of game hunts. For more information about participating in future events on District-managed land and throughout the state, visit the National Wild Turkey Federation web site www.nwtf.org/.