A Decade of Funding Community Education Grants

News Release

The Southwest Florida Water Management District is celebrating 10 years of Community Education Grants. The program motivates adults to get involved in education projects that promote water resources protection.

The District is once again soliciting applications for grants up to $5,000 to be used for projects that provide adults with an opportunity to learn about water-related issues pertaining to conservation, protection and preservation. Government agencies, private individuals, educational facilities, business and industry, neighborhoods, homeowner and service organizations, research and other profit and non-profit organizations concerned about water-related issues in their communities are encouraged to apply for a community education grant to help fund their projects.

From 1997 through 2006, the District funded hundreds of projects, totaling more than $1 million. The grants are funded by the District’s Basin Boards. These projects brought communities and neighborhoods together to share the responsibility of their local water resources through education.

“Over the past nine years, the District has funded Florida-Friendly landscape demonstration gardens, educational signage, water quality testing, water-wise workshops, watershed festivals, storm drain marking programs and more,” said Virginia Sternberger, communications coordinator. “These projects teach participants how to take better care of their local water resources and encourage volunteer efforts in their communities. Everyone benefits the environment and the residents.”

Potential grant projects should involve and educate on any or all of the following issues: alternative water resources, water quality, water conservation, flood protection, natural systems and watersheds. The application screening committee is looking for innovative projects that provide learning experiences that will lead to protection of water resources through cost-effective ways.

To apply online, visit the District’s Web site at WaterMatters.org./communitygrants. Grant applications are due Sept. 15, 2006. Projects must take place between March 1 and June 30, 2007. To discuss project ideas, please call Virginia Sternberger, community education grant coordinator, at 1-800-423-1476, ext. 4756.