The District Water Management Plan serves as a comprehensive guide describing our responsibilities for water supply, flood protection, water quality and natural systems.
Section 373.036(2)(e)4 Florida Statutes (F.S.) indicates the water management districts may substitute an annual work plan report included as an addendum to an annual strategic plan for the statutorily required District Water Management Plan. The statute specifies that the strategic plan establish the water management district’s strategic priorities for at least a future five-year period, identify the goals, strategies, success indicators, funding sources, deliverables and milestones to accomplish the strategic priorities. The plan development process must include at least one publicly noticed meeting to allow public participation in its development. The annual work plan report must detail the implementation of the strategic plan for the previous fiscal year, addressing success indicators, deliverables, and milestones.
Given this opportunity to streamline reporting to the State and more efficiently allocate staff time, the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Governing Board has decided to deploy an annual Strategic Plan Annual Work Plan Report and Strategic Plan in lieu of a District Water Management Plan. Refer to our Consolidated Annual Report (right sidebar) for these included documents.
For additional information or other planning activities at the District, contact