Environmental Data Portal



The Environmental Data Portal (EDP) is your source for hydrologic, atmospheric, and water-quality data collected by the District. Access the EDP here or use one of the advanced search options to retrieve larger data sets, more parameters, or additional station metadata.

Click here to enter Environmental Data Portal »

Advanced Search Options

Advanced Metadata Retrieval          
All station metadata for one or more stations in one file.

Time-Series Data Retrieval                
Preview/download data for multiple station and time-series parameters.

Water-Quality Data Retrieval            
Preview/download discrete water-quality samples for multiple stations.

URL Generator                                         
Choose options to generate custom URLs to use in scripts or browsers.   

Geohydrologic Data Viewer
Access ROMP reports, discrete water-level and water-quality data links to EDP, hydrostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy, FGS logs, geophysical logs, and aquifer test results.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information. Assistance is always available from Data Collection Bureau staff by using the e-mail link in the Contact Information box to the right. 

New & Improved Map Viewers

The District has launched the new Groundwater Quality Status and Trends Viewer. With close to 500 stations belonging to five different groundwater quality projects, the viewer conveys 10 years of data allowing users to see the most current trends in groundwater. The viewer continuously updates with data available in the Environmental Data Portal (EDP). Visit the Groundwater Quality Status and Trends Viewer »

For users interested in hydrologic data, the Last-Recorded Water Level and Rainfall and Near-Real-Time Water Level and Rainfall map viewers are available in the Interactive Map Gallery »