Water Education Videos

These short videos with coordinating teacher’s guides are a great way to introduce your students to a variety of topics, which include: the water cycle, wetlands, watersheds, groundwater, water quality and alternative water supply.

Learn about the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) and the many professions that make up SWFWMD staff. Teacher’s Guide »

Learn about the water cycle, water in each state of matter and the use of energy in these processes. Teacher's guide and standards for grades 4 and 5 »

Learn how human actions can alter wetland ecosystems and create limiting factors in an environment. Also learn about a wetland restoration project at Circle B Bar Reserve. Teacher's guide and seventh-grade standards »

Learn about the types and benefits of wetlands along with the importance of wetland protection and restoration. Teacher's guide and fourth-grade standards »

Learn about groundwater, specifically what it is and how human actions can pollute it. Click here for the teacher’s guide and seventh-grade standards. Teacher's guide and seventh-grade standards »

hrough a 3D watershed model, students will learn what a watershed is, how land and water are connected, and how people affect watersheds. Teacher's guide and standards for grades 3 and 4 »

Learn about alternative water supplies and the need to develop them, along with the importance of water conservation. Teacher's guide and seventh-grade standards »

Learn about some of the amazing water habitats found in west-central Florida. Teacher’s guide and standards for grades 6-8  »

Learn about the function of a watershed and how human actions affect the health of a watershed. Middle school teacher’s guide »  High school teacher’s guide »

Learn about temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and turbidity and commonly used equipment to measure water quality. Teacher's guide and standards for grades 6-8 »

Learn about the importance of water conservation and how we can use water wisely at home. Teacher’s guide and fourth-grade standards »

Learn about springs in west-central Florida. Teacher’s guide and standards for grades 6 and 7 »

Nature's Classroom is celebrating 50 years of partnering with the water management District. Discover how this program along the Hillsborough River has educated sixth-graders about protecting our water resources for the past five decades.

Students at Knights Elementary in Plant City are building rain barrels to help save water thanks to the District’s Splash! grant. Learn more.