9. Protect Waterfront

People who live next to water are lucky. Waterfront property is usually very expensive because we love to see the ocean, a lake or a river from our houses.

Florida has a lot of water, so there are plenty of waterfront yards. Some yards are right next to the ocean, a big lake or a coastal lagoon. Some have canals that connect to the ocean or lakes. Others are along rivers, creeks, natural ponds or wetlands. Some yards include seasonal ponds, and many more are next to retention ponds created by bulldozers.

All that waterfront property is great, but if your yard includes water, you have to be extra careful. The littoral zone is the place where land meets water, and it is extra special. The plants that grow there are doubly important. First, they protect the water by preventing silt and pollution from getting into it. Littoral plants also protect the land by keeping storms and floods from eroding it away. It’s important that you have the right plants in your littoral zone — not just grass.

Littoral zones next to the ocean often have mangrove trees. They are special plants that can live even when they are flooded by salty water. Mangroves are also very important habitat for birds and fishes. They are so important that now they are protected by laws.

Water in your yard can make it a great place for Florida’s plants and animals. Remember though, a Florida-friendly yard works with nature, not against it. Make sure your littoral zone is helping out!