Watershed Management Program

Floodplain Map Viewer

The map viewer contains preliminary and final floodplain information developed by the District. This information is not the official FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map information (see links on the Watershed Management Program page) and should not be used when making a flood hazard determination for flood insurance purposes.
These maps are for information purposes only.

Oman Quarry/Indian Creek

Final Results Disclaimer

The map viewer contains preliminary and final floodplain information developed by the District. This information is not the official FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map information (see links on the Watershed Management Program page) and should not be used when making a flood hazard determination for flood insurance purposes.
These maps are for information purposes only.

This information was developed in accordance with the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Watershed Management Program Guidance. The Guidance defines the watershed parameters used to develop a computer model that simulates projected surface water levels. The model includes watershed and rainfall event simulation parameters such as a design rainfall event and associated antecedent moisture conditions. This information, including projected surface water levels, was reviewed for substantial conformance with Guidance, through a public review and comment period, and refined based on comments. The parameters and models are revised periodically based upon updated information and issued Environmental Resource Permits (ERPs). The District will consider site specific details and other refinements during the regulatory review process to revise model parameters and results. Therefore, the District cannot guarantee its completeness and shall not be liable for any damages suffered as a result of using this information. Those interested in using this information should contact the District for the current version of a model and results for a specific watershed. ERP applicants are encouraged to schedule a pre-application meeting(s) with the District’s Regulatory staff to discuss the use of any watershed study/model in a subsequent ERP application.

If you have questions, please contact the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s WMP Info Line (352) 415-0974, or visit the website at http://www.watermatters.org/resources/weather-hydrology/federal-flood-map-updates.

Need help using the map viewer? Check out the Quick User’s Guide.

This map viewer may take up to a minute to open completely. The map viewer is not available from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. (for maintenance). We’re looking for your feedback! Try out our floodplain map viewer and let us know what you think. (Please include your name and telephone number in your email to guarantee a response, as some spam filters block emails from the District.)