It is the intent of the District Governing Board that environmental criteria be implemented in a manner that achieves a goal of no net loss of wetlands or other surface water functions (unless otherwise exempted by statute or rule).
(Condensed and modified from Environmental Resource Permit Information Manual, Part B – Basis of Review, Chapter Three – Environmental)
Wetlands serve as spawning, nursery and feeding habitats for many species of fish and wildlife, and they often provide important flood storage and water quality functions. Not all wetlands or other surface waters provide all of these functions nor do they provide them to the same extent. A wide array of biological, physical and chemical factors affect the functioning of any wetland or other surface water community. Maintenance of water quality standards in applicable wetlands and other surface waters is critical to their ability to provide many of these ecological functions.
Permits are typically required for the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, abandonment and removal of systems to conserve the beneficial functions of these important communities and require that reasonable assurances are met.
Though some specific, limited activities in wetlands may be part of normal agricultural operations (as described in industry specific best management practice manuals), some activities conducted in wetlands may require some form of prior authorization from the District. Prior to conducting any operations in wetland areas, landowners are strongly encouraged to contact the Ag Team for permitting guidance and assistance.