Learn From the Experts
Through the Speakers Bureau, professional staff share their knowledge and expertise with a wide variety of audiences. Programs are presented at no charge within the District’s 16-county area.
Some of the most frequently requested topics are:
“Get Outside!”
The District and its partners acquire conservation lands to protect the region’s water resources. Many of these lands are open to the public for activities such as hiking, bicycling, hunting, horseback riding, fishing, paddling, camping, nature study and picnicking. This presentation will provide information on how to get outside on District lands with family and friends.
Water 101
An overview of Southwest Florida Water Management District including our mission and responsibilities — who we are and what we do.
Water Conservation
A discussion about the limitations of our water supply and how you can help conserve water both in your home and in your yard. Included in this presentation is information on Florida-Friendly Landscaping™.
Water Resources for the Future
What is being done to assure the availability of future water supplies for all citizens. What is the regulatory role of the District? How does the District plan for future development? This presentation includes an overview of statewide water management issues as well.