State of Florida Resources
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
The Department's mission is to safeguard the public and support Florida's agricultural economy.
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services: Office of Agricultural Water Policy
Facilitating communication among federal, state, local agencies and the agricultural industry on water quantity and water quality issues involving agriculture. Find industry adopted Best Management Practice manuals here.
Florida Department of Environmental Protection
The DEP Office of Water Policy addresses statewide water management issues in coordination with the water management districts and other agencies. DEP resources include:
- Office of Water Policy
- Water permitting index
- ERP forms
- DEP’s online help
- Total maximum daily loads (TMDLs)
Other Statewide Resources
Florida Blueberry Growers Association
Florida Blueberry Growers Association (FBGA) objectives, among others, are to advance industry, to collect preserve and circulate valuable and useful information relating to the business of growing and marketing of blueberries and to collate, distribute and publish such information.
Florida Cattlemen's Association
The FCA mission is to support cattle ranching families as an integral part of Florida's economy and is a leader in protecting the natural landscape.
Florida Citrus Mutual
Serves Florida citrus growers by representing issues affecting citrus business.
Florida Farm Bureau
Florida Farm Bureau Federation is the Sunshine State's largest general agricultural organization with more than 144,000 member-families representing Farm Bureaus in 60 counties.
Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association
Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association is a non-profit agricultural trade organization whose mission is to enhance the business and competitive environment for producing and marketing fruits, vegetables and other crops.
Florida National Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS)
Delivers technical assistance based on sound science and suited to customer needs. Cost shares and financial incentives are available in some cases. The majority of conservation application is accomplished with local partners.
Florida Nursery, Growers and Landscape Association
Enhances members' business success through political leadership, education, marketing, research, certification and services. Represents Florida's environmental horticulture industry, with an estimated $15.2 billion in industry-wide sales.
Florida Strawberry Growers Association
Partners in strawberry research, promotion and member/community service.
University of Florida IFAS Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) Page
Information and educational materials on issues such as sustainable agriculture, competitiveness in world markets, natural resource conservation, energy conservation, food safety, child and family development, consumer credit counseling, and youth development.
University of Florida IFAS Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN)
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) has developed the FAWN (Florida Automated Weather Network) comprised of a network of linked weather stations throughout peninsular Florida.
Local Resources
Highlands County Citrus Growers Association, Inc.
Protects and enhances the viability and profitability of commercial citrus growers in Highlands County, Florida.
Hillsborough Environmental Protection Commission
Hillsborough EPC conducts investigations of complaints regarding pollution and addresses permitting and other issues in air quality, domestic wastewater, industrial wastewater, surface water quality, solid and hazardous wastes, underground storage tanks and wetland delineation within Hillsborough County.
Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association
The Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association mission is to promote, protect and enhance the ability of our members to produce citrus profitably and efficiently.
Agricultural Best Management Practices Manuals
An important component of a water resource sustainable agricultural operation is the utilization of site specific nutrient, pest, drainage and irrigation best management practices (BMPs). The grower may contact the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) to obtain a federally prescribed Resource Management System (RMS) plan of site specific BMPs as part of the District’s agricultural exemption confirmation process. View a listing of local USDA-NRCS offices.
As an option, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Office of Agricultural Water Policy also has rule adopted statewide BMP rules and manuals for the major commodity crops. Signing their Notice of Intent (NOI) and implementing the prescribed BMPs provides a presumption of compliance with statewide water quality discharge standards. These crop-specific adopted BMP manuals are found on the FDACS website links listed below. To review the FDACS rules adopting BMPs, visit the Florida Department of State. View all BMP manuals.