Volunteers are needed to help install trail signs at the Southwest Florida Water Management District’s Jack Creek property in Highlands County.
The District is organizing a volunteer work day on Feb. 21 at its Jack Creek property, located south of Sebring near Josephine Creek.
Approximately five volunteers are needed to help install trail signs and pick up trash. Volunteers will meet at 11 a.m. at the property gate at Grand Concourse Road and Hines Way.
Volunteers should wear long pants and work boots or sturdy shoes, and bring their own snack or lunch. Hats, gloves, sunscreen and insect repellent will be provided by the District.
For more information, or to sign up, please call Cynthia Hausman, District land use and protection specialist, 352-279-3887, or email Cynthia.Hausman@WaterMatters.org.
Since the adoption of the District’s volunteer program in 1995, volunteers have worked with District staff and contributed more than 25,000 hours to enhance recreation opportunities on conservation lands.